
Everyone knows that chemical peels can eliminate the dull, damaged top layer of the skin, revealing the beautiful, healthy tissue below. Unfortunately, chemical peels also have the reputation as being harsh on the skin, with heavy peeling, and a recovery time that may last for several weeks. Advances in science and medical breakthroughs are changing the way we view these procedures. Vis à Vis offers patients an innovative choice in chemical treatments, the VI Peel, which provides all of the traditional benefits, without the difficult healing process.

VI Peel is a gentle yet powerful medical-grade chemical peel for the treatment of acne and acne scarring, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, improve sun damage and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, rosacea, enlarged pores, oil balancing, and overall skin health. The body’s natural Collagen growth and Elastin production are triggered after the VI Peel, continuing to improve the appearance over several months.
VI Peel is safe and effective on all skin types and colors and can be used on the face, neck chest, arms, back, and legs. This Peel is so gentle that it is the only peel safe to be to treat delicate areas of the face, such as underneath the eyes. It is also painless and requires minimal downtime. 

The VI Peel uses a unique combination of ingredients for optimal skin renewal:

  • Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) – smooth’s deep scars and stimulates Collagen growth

  • Retin-A – softens fine lines and moderate wrinkles

  • Salicylic Acid – exfoliates the tissue and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent

  • Phenol – treats deep lines and creases

  • Vitamin C – an antioxidant used to brighten the skin

The VI Peel has several benefits over the other chemical peels on the market. The treatment is virtually pain-free; only a slight tingling sensation is felt during the application. There is no downtime required after the VI Peel; patients are free to return to work or school. The actual peeling process is light and can be masked with a moisturizer, if needed. Finally, unlike harsher treatments, the VI Peel is safe for all ages, skin types, and ethnicities.


The Ideal VI Peel Candidate?

The VI Peel is gentle enough for everyone; it is considered safe for all ages and skin types . The ideal patient will be in overall good health, with a clear understanding of the peel process, and realistic expectations of the results. With our Vis à Vis (face to face) consultation, we will help you determine if the VI Peel is the right treatment for your unique situation.

The VI Peel Consultation

Private consultation prior to administering an aesthetic treatment is required. This allows the practitioner to perform a quick exam of the skin and discuss any relevant medical history, as well as review aesthetic goals and desires. The VI Peel will be discussed at length, as well as any other options. Should the VI Peel be determined as the right procedure, a unique treatment regimen for healthy, rejuvenated skin will be developed.

VI Peel Process

A VI Peel is relatively painless for most people, but more sensitive types may experience a mild to moderate burning or tingling sensation that is tolerable without topical anesthetic or pain medication.
During a VI Peel the skin is cleansed and then the solution is evenly applied in two phases: one to penetrate into the skin cells on the skin’s surface, and the other to go deeper into the dermis where toxins and dead skin cells are hiding. The solution dries quickly and you are free to resume daily activities, but must wait 5 hours before washing it off. The office appointment will take about 30-40 minutes from start to finish. Our practitioner will provide clear instructions on when and how to remove the VI Peel at home. An after-care kit will be provided, and we will educate you on the best way to use these products to ensure optimal results.
During the healing process, patients should avoid sun exposure, wear a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, and refrain from using any products not specified by Vis à Vis. The facial tissue is delicate and sensitive after a VI Peel, and not carefully following our after-care instructions can lead to further tissue damage. Makeup can be worn after the treatment, although during the three to four ‘peeling’ days, you should refrain from any application of cosmetics. Moisturizer can be used during the healing process, masking the appearance of the light, feathery peeling.

Results and Side Effects

There are no immediate effects of the VI Peel; it takes 2 to 4 days before skin begins peeling, after which new, healthy tissue will begin to show. Your skin will continue to peel for up to 6-7 days. During the peeling process skin may have unusual coloring with red, brown, or yellowish tones, but more commonly it looks like a slight sunburn that is flaking off. After the peeling has finished, the final effects from your VI Peel will be visible. The skin will look luminous, smooth, and soft. Hyperpigmentation, tone and texture will be improved, and a more radiant appearance can be seen. A single VI Peel can significantly repair sun damaged, aging skin. However, in order to achieve optimal results, more than one VI Peel is necessary.


Noticeable results are realized after the first VI Peel treatment; however, for optimal results the recommended course of treatment is 3 to 6 treatments spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart, followed by bi-annual maintenance treatments, will fully rejuvenate and repair the skin, providing a youthful appearance.

Watch Meredith Gizmunt of DeRosa Clinic in Boston, MA discuss the VI Peel. Our minimally-invasive chemical peel comprised of TCA, Phenol, Salicylic Acid, Vitamin C and Retin-A. Done on its own or in a series, this peel will dramatically improve your skin's tone, texture and clarity.

VI Peel

—In the Press—

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Disclaimer: As always, this information is provided to you for educational and/or informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an endorsement of any particular product, treatment, or procedure. This information is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. For medical concerns, including decisions about any procedure or treatment, users should always consult their doctor or other qualified health care professional.